Ken_Wilber Socrates Padmasambhava Jesus Ramanamaharshi Bodhidharma Richard_Rose

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Still Forbidden

You may remember in September I posted about Bob Couttie and his book Forbidden Knowledge. I was holding onto that book to read in December like The Geller Papers. Reading both books in the same month, a year apart, and reporting on them seemed fitting. Seems a monkey has been thrown into my plans. Right now I am in the middle of what looks like the largest research project I have ever taken on. I have well over 2000 pages to read (1500 left!) and will not be able to read Forbidden Knowledge and report on it here for you, my valued couple of readers, and Mr. Couttie who appears from time to time to stir the pot here. I still have ten videos made in November as a reserve to upload regularly, but taking on extra reading will be out of the question.
