Ken_Wilber Socrates Padmasambhava Jesus Ramanamaharshi Bodhidharma Richard_Rose

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Great Winter of 2010

During my meditation last night I had a precognitive experience that later proved true (ten minutes later to be exact). This got me thinking about a topic I have wanted to post for a while but never got around to. I had two powerful precogs in February 2006, around the time many miracles were happening and I got involved on the path of the mystics. The first one, 24 February, came to me in hypnonogogic sleep. I saw two men attacking an oil refinery in a desert and on that same day there was just such an attack in Saudi Arabia. At the time I posted it on the original Urban Mystic (now taken down). On 22 February I had another experience that hasn't come true yet, but the time it described is rapidly approaching.

(From my notes) I was reading a book when I saw the Morph strongly on its pages. It was like water sheeting down from the top of the book to the bottom. After a few seconds I felt compelled to close my eyes. Scrolling across from right to left were newspaper headlines. I don't remember the first one but the second one read: "CERN, Great Winter of 2010." What follows is a bit sketchy but it was something like "Discovery - Soul."

What I take from this is at least two things.

1. There will be a big story out of CERN in the Winter of 2010 (December), possibly an important discovery.

2. The Winter will be very bad, so bad in fact it will be called the "Great Winter of 2010."

It's also possible that there's some important discovery regarding the existence of the soul or survival of consciousness. I know there's that AWARE study going on; maybe the results are going to be really good.


Hundred Greatest Battles Update for November 2010

I have added 14 battles since May, bringing the total now up to 54. I've even created a map (using blank maps provided by the other wiki) and discovered a disturbing trend. Most battles seem centered around northeast France and Greece. Two whole (inhabited) continents, Australia and South America, remain battle free. All the North American battles are located in the United States and the only African battle is in Tunisia. Here is the list so far:

1      Adrianople

2      Agincourt

3      Ankara

4      Antietam

5      Antioch

6      Artemisium

7      Bannockburn

8      Bull Run (Manassas), First Battle

9      Cannae

10      Carrhae

11      Catalaunian Plains

12      Chaeronea

13      Changping

14      Fredericksburg

15      Gaugamela

16      Gettysburg

17      Hastings

18      Hydaspes River

19      Indus

20      Issus

21      Iwo Jima

22 & 23      Mongol Invasions of Japan

24      Jutland

25      Kadesh

26      Kalinga

27      Kazan

28      Kursk

29 & 30      Lexington and Concord

31      Leyte Gulf

32      Malta

33      Marathon

34      Mobei

35      Mohi

36      Passchendaele

37      Persian Gates

38      Pharsalus

39      Plataea

40      Red Cliffs

41      Salamis

42      Salsu

43      Seringapatam

44      Shiloh

45      Somme

46      Talas

47      Telamon

48      Teutoburg Forest

49      Trafalgar

50      Verdun

51      Waterloo

52      Watling Street

53      Yorktown

54      Zama