Ken_Wilber Socrates Padmasambhava Jesus Ramanamaharshi Bodhidharma Richard_Rose

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

CDC Whistleblower Ordered to Cover Up Vaccine-Autism Link

A generation ago autism rates were somewhere around 1 in 30,000, today it is 1 in 80. Think about that. That is epidemiologically impossible. The genome of 100 million people could not disintegrate in a single generation like that. There must be some artificial factor involved, and it's staring us right in the face. The quantity of vaccines babies are getting has skyrocketed, and those vaccines contain toxic chemicals.

When fuhrer Angela Merkin and other high government officials in Germany needed vaccines during a 2009 flu epidemic the drug company made a special batch just for them that didn't have any additives in it like the vaccine the commoners got. If the common vaccine is so safe why did Merkin get a special ultra-pure government-only vaccine?

2014 CDC whistleblower William Thompson came out and admitted that studies demonstrated a causal link between the MMR vaccine and autism and the studies were ordered to be destroyed, but he leaked them instead.

The only way for the catastrophic collapse in human fitness we are seeing with this autism epidemic to happen is if an outside agent is being introduced to our children. And the government knows about it and they are deliberately covering it up, either for short-term gain in billions of dollars from drug companies, or because they are trying to exterminate us. Think of it. If things keep up the way they are going there will come a time soon when everyone in the US either has autism or is caring for someone with autism. At that point the country collapses totally.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield talks about his new film Vaxxed that exposes the coverup of this most pernicious crime against humanity. Interview lasts 34 minutes.

A Very Brief Introduction to Dragons

Were dragons real? Think about it, virtually every culture on earth, throughout all of history, has spoken of giant flying reptiles. All these stories can't possibly trace back to a single source. There has to be something deeper going on here.

The obvious problem is we don't find dragon bones. But we don't find the bones of lots of things. The number of unique human fossils could fill a bathtub, and a great many dinosaur species are known from a single bone (including the largest dinosaur ever discovered, which was identified by one bone that was destroyed in WWII in an air raid, and no other bones have been discovered since). Since fossils of anything are very rare it is not at all surprising that dragon fossils are rare, or non-existent.

What if we are looking in the wrong place?

People from all over the world who take certain hallucinogenic plants report seeing the same beings. One commonly encountered being is a man with an alligator head, and this alligator headed man says the same things to everyone. It can't all be a case of suggestion, where people encounter what they expect based on second-hand sources. What I suspect is that these are real non-physical beings who don't look like anything, being non-physical, but they assume a certain form in the mind of the person having the experience out of convenience.

What if dragons are like that? Dragons are not flesh and blood reptiles, they are non-physical beings encountered in altered states. That would explain why they can live for thousands of years, why they are wise beyond the limits of human intelligence, and why they are only encountered at the end of an arduous quest undertaken by an individual who has had specific preparation. What if going out to slay a dragon did not involve a knight suiting up in armor and riding off to battle a dinosaur, what if it involved fasting, and sensory deprivation, and ingesting certain hallucinogenic plants, and then the knight doesn't kill the dragon, the knight's encounter with the dragon allows him to eliminate negative qualities within himself? That is why only particularly pure knights of great spiritual fortitude could go out to meet with dragons, because the psychic shock would be disastrous for a lesser mortal (like a very bad trip). In that sense then dragons are not the enemy, they are the ally.