Ken_Wilber Socrates Padmasambhava Jesus Ramanamaharshi Bodhidharma Richard_Rose

Thursday, May 30, 2013

20 Things I Learned From Star Trek Nemesis

1. The Enterprise is only as powerful as it needs to be to defeat the bad guys

2. When a hole is blown in the Enterprise Captain Picard just sits there while several red shirts get sucked into space

3. Shields only block whatever it is convenient for them to block

4. The bad guy super ship with unlimited shields and weapons can resist all of the Enterprise's weapons but if the Enterprise rams it the super shields become useless and the Enterprise ploughs straight through the bad guy ship completely unharmed

5. It's boring because you know who will win

6. Bad guy super weapon is so slow it would take forever to kill someone with it

7. Bad guy super weapon is so slow there's no point having it

8. Bad guy super weapon that can destroy an infinite number of planets can blow up right next to the Enterprise, destroy the bad guy ship, and leave the Enterprise completely unharmed

9. Even though Picard is a terrible captain who makes suicidally bad decisions the show cheats so he will win

10. Paying any amount of money to see "Star Trek Nemesis" is a waste

11. Even illegally downloading "Star Trek Nemesis" is a waste

12. Bad guys can't aim and good guys can't miss

13. The bad guy in "Star Trek Nemesis" wanted to free his people from enslavement. He dies and his people remain enslaved by the evil empire and this is the good guys winning

14. The message of "Star Trek Nemesis" is that slavery is good under certain circumstances

15. The message of "Star Trek Nemesis" is that slavery is good if the people enslaved are the designated villains

16. The message of "Star Trek Nemesis" is that slavery is good if the people enslaved are people Picard doesn't like

17. "Star Trek Nemesis" was inappropriately aired on TV on the 150th anniversary of the Civil War

18. The only character who is allowed to die is the robot, who was never alive to begin with, and there is an identical unit with the same memories on stand by, so his death doesn't even matter

19. The new Star Trek is different from the original Star Trek

20. The new Star Trek lets the obviously bad people win

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The End of Obama

Benghazi. A CIA gunrunning scheme that went bad and led to the deaths of four Americans. A stand down order that had to come from the president himself. A major lie about the nature of the attack, blaming it on a video, the creator of which has been disappeared by the government, because the First Amendment means nothing when Muhammad is involved. Treason, by definition of the Constitution. The single worst thing any president has ever done, ever, by a lot.

The IRS being used as a weapon against conservative and small government political groups in 2010.

Even the far left MSNBC agrees, the government does not tread on political speech. As Joe Scarborough says "political speech is sacrosanct." It doesn't matter where on the political spectrum you are, this is a gross violation of federal authority and heads must roll.

To top it all off, the Justice Department has been illegally spying on the Associated Press. The records from more than 20 separate phone lines used by over 100 AP journalists and editors were seized by the DOJ.

Any one of these is enough to warrent impeachment. Obama has all three. IF he survives this, it will mean he is a de facto absolutist dictator. No one will do anything to stop him from running for a third or fourth or life-time term as ruler of the country. IF he survives this, there is no justice.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The President's Speech at Ohio State University

The President told the Ohio State University graduating class of 2013: "You'll hear voices telling you that 'the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants,' and that 'all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,' or maybe that 'when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.' These voices that you hear, hallucinate maybe, might even tell you that these voices have 'sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.' You should reject these voices. Because they aren't real. CPS should have abducted you as a child and given you six psychotropic drugs and murdered you because that's what they do, CPS takes kids and murders them. Because you're hearing voices. Yours is a generation possessed, but not by demons or the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, because we have thrown aside all those notions with the adoption of communism, which says that when you die you rot and if you're hearing voices you're insane and need deadly drugs that are a hundred times worse than the condition they are supposed to treat. I'm from the government, and I'm here to help. Barack Hussein Obama, mmm mmm mmm! I won the Nobel Peace Prize and I didn't do shit! We should have more government, because it's not what you can do for your country, it's what welfare you can get from your neighbors who are working hard for little pay. We should have a civilian Brownshirt army as powerful as, if nor more powerful than, our United States Army. The United States is bad. George W. Bush is the reason the Islamic world hates us, the United States stole most of its land from Mexico, and we need to ban guns because 'no one needs ten bullets to kill a deer,' because, hey, the Second Amendment is about hunting, not about defending your liberty from a tyrannical government. The founders certainly didn't use guns to defend their liberty from a tyrannical government, starting a new nation, and 'that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.' Nope. Never happened. We are one nation under government, because 'we are all socialists now.' Benghazi? Totally not an inside job. We didn't have multiple warnings, we weren't watching the events unfold via drones, we didn't give any troops a stand down order, we didn't blame the event on a video no one watched, and we certainly didn't track down the man who made said video and make him disappear in a plot to silence all opposition to our New World Order power grabbing scheme. Those new testimonies that just came out in the hearings on Benghazi? You should totally ignore them, because they are part of the 'vast right-wing conspiracy', as my friend Hilldog likes to call it, because she is certainly not a traitor for condemning four Americans to be raped and tortured to death in Benghazi. 'What difference does it make' if Hillary sent four Americans to their death and then lied about it? 'What difference does it make?' So, yeah, you shouldn't listen to those voices that you hallucinate, because they aren't real. The government is your God now. Obama's in his Washington, all's right with the world."

This is the short version of the speech, with all the dead air and stumbling over words omitted. Here is a bit of the unedited transcript: "You'll uuh... uuuuuuhhhhh... hear uuhh... voices telling um, a bunch... you that 'the uuhhhh... tree of um liberty must uuuuhhhhh... uuhhhhh... uuhhh... be uuhhh... refreshed from uuhhhh... time to um time with the um blood of um patriots uuhhhhhh..... and uhhhhh....tyrants,'" because we all know that he is the great communicator. He is articulate and clean.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Government Takeover

"The decision to scale back security at the Benghazi outpost went up all the way to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton."

New revelations in the Benghazi attack. At the very least now we can say Clinton, as well as other elements within the State Department, knew about the attack and let it happen. She is, by definition, guilty of treason, the only crime defined by the Constitution (Article III Section 3), giving aid to an enemy of the United States (removing security when there were numerous pleas from the ambassador himself for increased security because he had strong cause for concern that an attack was imminent).

At the same time DHS is buying ammunition (two billion rounds) to price it out of the range where law abiding citizens can get it and practice their Second Ammendment rights. Sure, the government will let us keep our guns, but bullets are another matter. We can have all the guns we want, but without ammunition those guns are useless. This is a staged takeover of the country.