Ken_Wilber Socrates Padmasambhava Jesus Ramanamaharshi Bodhidharma Richard_Rose

Thursday, December 26, 2019

America 2024 (Preview)

In 2016 I worked on my magnum opus "What is at Stake in the Next Election", outlining why Donald Trump was the only sane candidate to vote for in the 2016 election. It is a 23 page long treatise with 31 citations that I wrote during a 60-hour marathon of campaigning. I am fairly confident that Donald Trump will be re-elected in 2020, mainly because all of the Democrat candidates are absolute shit who are much weaker than Clinton and belong to a party that Clinton left flat broke. Trump has the incumbent advantage and is sitting on the best economy of the past 30 years, all of which adds up to a near guaranteed re-election.

The main question is, what happens after the Trump era ends? The last time a party won three elections in a row was George H. W. Bush in 1989 (and he would have won again in 1992 had it not been for that guy with the ears who siphoned votes away and allowed Clinton to squeak ahead). How do we guarantee a future Trumpian victory in 2024 and ensure the survival of America as a free nation, with intact first and second amendment rights that are not protected anywhere else in the world? I don't have all the answers, but I can lay out a very simple sketch for now. During Trump's second term I will lay out more details as they are filled in with more data.

In order to reach a solution we must first understand the problem. Here is that problem.

If Trump wins 2020 the Democrats split into two parties: the corporate neo-libs like Pelosi and Clinton, and the socialists like the Gang of Four. Even if "demographics is destiny", if the Dems split into two parties it doesn't matter if they have 60% of the electorate covered, they'll still not be able to come together and agree on who to elect, and future Trumpian and even post-Trumpian America Firsters (which we will need) will be able to win electoral victories even while losing the popular vote.

Trump filling so many judicial seats is one of the key steps, as judges have been writing laws by hallucinating rights into the Constitution for two generations now. Trump is setting a bulwark against leftism that should last a good 30 years. The other key steps are to build the wall and enact voter ID laws, which Trump should be able to do if the GOP wins 2020 as well and then they can just use the nuclear option to ram everything through.

If demographics is destiny then the good news is that conservative whites have twice as many children as any other group except people from shithole countries Dems flood America with to gain voters. If the wall is built, illegals are deported, and voter ID laws are passed then that drys up the pool of leftist voters. Socialists already in America have fewer kids, or abort all their kids (abortion's silver lining is that leftists are the ones getting by far the most abortions, so they're removing themselves from the voter base), so they are voluntarily decreasing their own population. This will take a while, which is why stacking the courts is crucial, as it buys time for conservative kids to grow up.

If Trump can win in 2020, and he can complete his agenda, and the GOP can find another Trumpian (or better) candidate who can win in 2024 then that gives us the chance to wait for our natural army to grow. Then we will reverse Khrushchev's threat against the left when he banged his shoe at the UN building and shouted "We will bury you!" It is humanity that will bury the left, and this religion of Satan that began with the Russian Revolution will finally die.