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Monday, March 11, 2013

TSA (To Sexually Assault) Is A Joke Reveals Insider

NY Post: TSA insider reveals TSA is a complete
joke (like I've been saying since day one). I'd like to make a few
choice quotes, but there's just so many:

A LOT of what we do is make-believe.

These are the employees who could never keep a job in the private sector. I wouldn’t trust them to walk my dog.

An agent got through Newark last week with an improvised explosive
device? That’s not even news to anyone who works there. It happens all
the time. The failure rate is pretty high, especially with federal
investigators, and the pat-down itself is ridiculous. As invasive as it
is, you still can’t find anything using the back of your hand on certain

What are the chances of you being on a flight where
something happens? We always said it’s not a question of if terrorists
get through — it’s a question of when. Our feeling is nothing’s happened
because they haven’t wanted it to happen. We’re not any big deterrent.
It’s all for show.

Most TSA screeners know their job is a
complete joke. Their goal is to use this as a stepping stone to another
government agency.

We work in a culture where common sense has
no place. All but a very few TSA personnel know they’re employed by a
bottom-of-the-barrel agency.

Supervisors play absolutely no
role in day-to-day functions except to tell you not to chew gum. Gum
chewing is a huge issue with management. I once saw a supervisor make an
officer open his mouth to prove he had a mint and not a piece of gum.

Goofing off and half-hour-long bathroom breaks are the only way to
break up the monotony. There is also a lot of ogling of female
passengers by the male screeners. So, ladies, cover up when you get to
the airport. These guys are checking you out constantly.

small number of screeners are delusional zealots who believe they’re
keeping America safe by taking your snow globe, your 2-inch pocket
knife, your 4-ounce bottle of shampoo and performing invasive pat-downs
on your kids.

It’s the people who’ve been there a good number
of years who could never find employment elsewhere. When you have a real
job, it usually means you have to actually work and think, which a lot
of them have a hard time doing.