It's the most absurd thing ever,
picking up after your dog. It's sick. I'm going to go walking down
the street with a bag of shit waving back and forth, back and forth,
stinking and bouncing against my thigh. It's disgusting. I want five
minutes alone with whoever came up with that law. Why not just leave
it in the street, where it will biodegrade in a couple days. That
plastic bag, that's covered in shit, that can't be used for anything
else, will last a million years. That bullshit law has just turned a
week long problem into a problem that will far beyond the point where
all our bones have turned to dust.
I can understand not
letting the dog go on someone's lawn. This one prick, her dog pissed
on my lawn while she was talking to me. She should thank God I wasn't
armed at that moment or it would have been the last mistake she ever
made. I don't want to mow my lawn and find a turd, I can understand
that, but the street? What's the harm leaving it in the
Birds can shit wherever they want, and with those damn
geese it's WORSE than human turds. They are a biological hazard and
totally destroy whatever environment they invade. Squirrels can shit
wherever they want, deer, bears, every animal can shit wherever it
wants, but not dogs. What the fuck? What makes dog shit,
specifically, so hazardous while geese shit is perfectly sanitary and
nobody need pick it up? Whoever invented this law, I want to chop off
his balls and choke him to death with them.
"Wastewater treatment system is
NOT designed to filter dog waste!"
But it filters bird waste
no problem? What's the difference? It filters EVERY kind of animal
waste EXCEPT dogs? That's bullshit right there.
natural ecosystem can handle 2 dogs per square mile."
where the fuck did dogs come from? I'm pretty sure there was a time
when there were more than 2 wild dogs alive in the same square mile
eating and mating, otherwise there wouldn't be any dogs around
"According to the EPA dog poop is as toxic to the
environment as chemical and oil spills."
Bullshit. Don't be
fucking stupid. A chemical spill in India killed thousands of people
overnight. Never once has thousands of people died from a fucking dog
What more, people BUY shit - they call
it "Menwar" to make it sound fancy - to spread on their
lawns to make it grow, but that's not DOG shit, that's special French
shit that's so expensive it has to be clean and beautiful! All those
chemical fertilizers and pesticides, no problem at all. That's
certainly not going into the water supply. But a turd! A fucking
turd! That's the worst thing evar!
Give me a fucking break.