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Friday, December 18, 2015

The Truth About The Crusades

Stefan Molyneux explains why the Crusades, a defensive action after 400 years of Muslim invasions, were good, why European civilisation is good, and why no one talks about the Muslim slave trade, which lasted longer than the Atlantic slave trade (the last country on Earth to officially outlaw slavery was Kuwait in 1977), was worse, and led to more deaths.

Runs 33 minutes.

Bush Nazi Ties

Prescott Bush, father of George H. W. Bush, and grandfather of both George W. "Capital" Bush and Jeb "George Push" Bush, was a big time Nazi money launderer and lawyer. He was a profoundly evil man who died in 1972 and went to Hell. Presidential candidate Jeb Bush is a hardcore evil Luciferian from a long line of evil Luciferians. The Bush family is evil and should never be allowed back into office.