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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hundred Greatest Battles Update for July 2012

After severe computer troubles at the end of March and having to rediscover seven missing battles, here is the updated list:

1. Adrianople

2. Agincourt

3. Ain Jalut

4. Ankara

5. Antietam

6. Antioch

7. Artemisium

8. Austerlitz

9. Bannockburn

10. Bull Run (Manassas - First Battle)

11. Cannae

12. Carrhae

13. Catalaunian Plains

14. Chaeronea

15. Changping

16. Chittor Fort

17. Corinth

18. Eupatoria

19. Fredericksburg

20. Gaixia

21. Gallipoli

22. Gaugamela

23. Gettysburg

24. Granicus River

25. Hastings

26. Hydaspes River

27. Indus

28. Issus

29. Iwo Jima

30 & 31. Mongol Invasions of Japan

32. Julu

33. Jutland

34. Kadesh

35. Kalinga

36. Kazan

37. Kulikovo

38. Kursk

39 & 40. Lexington and Concord

41. Leyte Gulf

42. Malta

43. Marathon

44. Midway

45. Mobei

46. Mohi

47. Multan

48. Nahāvand

49. Normandy

50. Panipat

51. Passchendaele

52. Persian Gates

53. Pharsalus

54. Plataea

55. Pollilur

56. Poltava

57. Al-Qādisiyyah

58. Red Cliffs

59. Sakarya

60. Salamis

61. Salsu

62. Seringapatam

63. Sevastopol

64. Shiloh

65. Six-Day War

66. Somme

67. Talas

68. Tarain (Second Battle)

69. Telamon

70. Tenochtitlán

71. Teutoburg Forest

72. Tours (Poitiers)

73. Trafalgar

74. Ugra River

75. Verdun

76. Vienna

77. Waterloo

78. Watling Street

79. Yom Kippur War

80. Yorktown

81. Zama

In addition there are two additional battles that are not officially part of the list but deserve special mention:

A. Tyre (subject of the video "Alexander's Siege of Tyre, which inspired The 100 Greatest Battles)

B. Gulf War