The New York Times has finally admitted that overpopulation is bullshit.
Paul Ehrlich from Stanford University terrified millions of people with his 1968 book The Population Bomb that predicted hundreds of millions of people would starve to death by 1970! As the Times admits "As you may have noticed, England is still with us. So is India. Hundreds of millions did not die of starvation in the ’70s."
What they don't mention is why there is no overpopulation problem. They merely mention that affluent women have fewer children. They ignore the 400 million forced abortions carried out in China since the initiation of their one child policy. They don't talk about the tens of millions of men in China and India who will never father children, never even have the opportunity, since there are millions too few women as a result of sex-selective abortion and infanticide. They don't talk of the forced sterilisation.
Birth rates are well below replacement in most of the world. Population is declining, all over the world. There is not only not an overpopulation problem, there is an underpopulation problem. There are far too few young people working in Japan to pay for the pensions of the increasingly geriatric population. And with so many people giving up sex entirely, the total collapse of the Japanese population within the next half century is inevitable. The same is true for Russia, which is losing 1% of its population every year. Millions of poor North Africans have to be imported into Europe to pay for the expansive welfare state because the now 60 and 70 year old socialists who make up the bulk of the white population never had kids to replace them. The Islamic caliphates tried to conquer Europe, and now, sometime in the 21st century, Islam will colonise the continent peacefully when all the European atheist socialists die out from natural causes.
So many people bought into the myth of overpopulation that governments the world over took drastic action to solve a problem that did not exist, with disastrous results. There really is a population bomb waiting to go off, but not for lack of food. This bomb was constructed through population control policies and when it explodes there won't be nearly enough people to keep the global economy from falling apart. Hundreds of millions have already died, and millions more will for want of young people.
Dr. Ehrlich still says the sky is falling. He still says millions more need be aborted, millions more need to be sterilised, or all the food will run out. His colleges have disowned him. They can't believe how wrong he was, and how intransigent he remains in face of overwhelming evidence.
One thing that happened on the road to doom was that the world figured
out how to feed itself despite its rising numbers. No small measure of
thanks belonged to Norman E. Borlaug,
an American plant scientist whose breeding of high-yielding,
disease-resistant crops led to the agricultural savior known as the
Green Revolution. While shortages persisted in some regions, they were
often more a function of government incompetence, corruption or civil
strife than of an absolute lack of food.
Somewhere on the spectrum between Dr. Ehrlich the doomsayer and Mr. Simon the doomslayer (as Wired called him) lies Fred Pearce, a British writer who specializes in global population. His concern is not that the world has too many people. In fact, birthrates are now below long-term replacement levels, or nearly so, across much of Earth, not just in the industrialized West and Japan but also in India, China, much of Southeast Asia, Latin America — just about everywhere except Africa, although even there the continentwide rates are declining. “Girls that are never born cannot have babies,” Mr. Pearce wrote in a 2010 book, “The Coming Population Crash and Our Planet’s Surprising Future” (Beacon Press).
Pearce says that the Earth can support a much greater population, over nine billion, as long as resources are distributed properly.
While the Times has eaten crow and admitted there is no such thing as overpopulation, the readers, aging hippies and modern day progressives still bitch and moan about a non-existent problem. Ehrlich was right, we just have to wait a little longer! Even though population is decreasing on all the other continents, there are still so many Africans, and they're so poor! And global warming! Some people change when presented with overwhelming evidence that they are wrong. Unfortunately some people do not, and there are no shortage of them in the comments section.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
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