I have just learned that Adi Da Samraj, great spiritual master and possible Avatar (depending on who you ask), has had his Mahasamadhi on 27 November. While I would say his realization was not in doubt thee were some other issues, leading eventually to his seclusion on the island of Naitauba in Fiji. Following is a tribute to Adi Da provided by Dattatreya Siva Baba on 8 December.-Dee
Do we want the Truth or do we want to be "educated"? There is a tendency of people in control, whether in universities or in governments, to want to "educate". Not for the Truth, but for the convenience of the moment, thinking they are the prophets of the zeitgeist, and by their manipulation of the public mind they will bring people around to the "right" direction.
- Richard Rose
Like the Tao, any description of this thing (I don't know what to call it) would limit what it is, and what it is is limitless, so it cannot be described. Even saying this is limiting it. Go figure.
Very interesting. After making this video, Baba traveled to Fiji.