Ken_Wilber Socrates Padmasambhava Jesus Ramanamaharshi Bodhidharma Richard_Rose

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


There's this channel I unsubscribed to a long time ago called How the World Works or something, with this guy with a crew cut and glasses. He loves to shout "stop" when he's trying to refute an argument. And he apparently hates the environment, or something.

"STOP!!!!1 The Earth is 4000 miles deep, we will never run out of places to bury garbage!"

You do know that it is easier to send a spaceship to Pluto than it is to dig even 10 miles into the Earth?

"STOP!!!!!!!ELEVEN No resource will ever never never ever run out never ever! The Earth is 4000 miles deep, there is an infinite supply of everything we need in the exact form we need it, always!"

You didn't listen to what I just said about trying to dig into the Earth? And you do know that guano (bird shit) was the most valuable resource for about 100 years until it was all mined to nothing?

"STOP!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!!! The fucking Earth is four-fucking-thousand MILES DEEP!!!!!11 Future science can solve all problems. Check mate!"

What if it doesn't? What is "future science" anyway? It's that stuff you don't want to invest in because it's not two hundred year old science. I love oil. I'm sitting on oil, typing on oil, looking at pictures projected on oil, in a house lit by oil, and I eat food that exists only because of oil, but maybe we should be investing in things beside oil because it's stupid to rely on only one kind of power source, just in case something bad happens to it?

5 billion people are alive today because of artificial phosphate fertilizers and ground water irrigation. Those phosphates won't last forever, and neither will the ground water, just like the guano. Personally I suspect there's two or more centuries worth of oil that remain to be exploited, but phosphates and ground water are being depleted faster than they can be replenished, and I don't put much hope for future utopianisms. Old methods of agriculture can only supply food for about two billion people, not seven, and it takes millions of years for aquifers to fill with water and caves to fill with shit to be used to grow food for five billion real people who will die if they don't eat anything.

And instead of trying to drill a thousand mile deep hole to bury garbage, maybe we could try to make less of it? Who likes garbage? Okay, there are like three eclectic artists who make sculptures out of tires and shit, but nobody else likes it. Maybe we could make less of what nobody likes or wants or needs.

I don't understand it. Why must everyone who supports conservativism be for the destruction of the environment? I'm pretty sure Rust Lumbar or Glennard Beck wouldn't want someone dumping trash in their back yard, so why do they think it's okay to dump trash in a bear's back yard? Why would anyone be proud of driving a grossly inefficient gas-guzzler? That's literally money you're throwing away just to piss people off over how shitty a car you own. If your are spending lots of money just to piss people off that makes you an asshole.

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