Ken_Wilber Socrates Padmasambhava Jesus Ramanamaharshi Bodhidharma Richard_Rose

Thursday, August 3, 2023

UFO Disclosure

Right wing grifter: Eeeehhh, UFOs are a distraction from Hunter Biden’s penis! Watch my 7000 identical videos about Biden’s corruption and give me money so I don’t have to get a job, neeee!

Right wing grifters who believe UFOs are a distraction are worse than religious nutjobs who believe UFOs are demons.

The only arguments about aliens:

1. If "big brain aliens" (exact quote) were so smart that they can travel across millions of lightyears then they wouldn't be capable of mistakes. They'd make ships that couldn't crash. If crashes exist that proves it isn't aliens.

Answer: We've heard of 12 crashes total that have been recovered, out of how many ships that have visited Earth in the past 80 years? Tens of thousands? Millions? At the end of the day shit is still going to happen. Mistakes happen. A lot of these UAPs seem like drones; they launch from a mothership, fly around doing their own thing, then return. Maybe those cheaply-made drones are most of the crashes, not the crewed ships that are capable of interstellar travel.

2. Why is it that all the UAP sightings are over USA? That proves it's fake because there should be an even distribution of sightings all over the world.

Answer: That's retarded. What about all the sightings over Brazil, and Mexico, and the UK? One of the best (most evidentiary) sightings - the Rendlesham Forest incident - was in Suffolk in the UK.

We don't know most (some deboonkers even claim ALL) of the sightings are over the US, just most of the reports the US government has investigated. Wow! What a surprise! The US government mostly investigates unknown craft violating US airspace! There could be scores of thousands of these things in Antarctica studying global warming and we wouldn't know about it because no one is there to see them.

Also, the US has the Freedom of Information Act and regularly declassifies things all the time. China doesn't. Russia doesn't. Not getting a lot of reports out of places that don't release military secrets regularly to the public is exactly what we would expect if these were real. Rather than disproving UAPs the fact that the majority of sightings investigated by the US government happen over the US is evidence in favor that they are real.

Also also, maybe they're just more interested in the US because US military tech is a full generation ahead of what everyone else on the planet has. Maybe its because the US totally dominates global foreign policy. If you're keeping track of prisoners you want to monitor the head honcho more than the little peons.

Some other thoughts. Humans deliberately crash space probes all the time. These alien vehicles might have been crashed deliberately.

And if these whistle blowers are real then why aren't they being punished like Snowden and others? The government doesn't need to punish them. 30% of people will believe it's fake regardless based on the letter after the name of the guy in power. If someone were to come out and say aliens exist and a Democrat were in power then half the Republicans wouldn't believe it; if it were to happen while a Republican were in power then half the Democrats wouldn't believe it. Add to that the people who wouldn't believe it even if aliens were to land on the White House lawn because their religion says aliens don't exist and you've got the whistle blower basically being ignored or ridiculed by the public and the government doesn't have to do anything.

I'd go so far as to say if Snowden revealed today that the government is spying on us all the time no one would care because people today are not only comfortable with the idea of voluntarily letting governments and private entities spy on them 24/7, they think anyone who believes in privacy is crazy at best, evil at worst. Alien disclosure landed at the time when no one cares and no harm has been done to the US government.

In response to some of my answers above someone countered "nnnnnnn, the aliens allegedly believe in leftist talking points, that proves they're fake! It's a scheme to get us to accept leftism like living in pods and eating bugs!" This person then provided me with a link to an 11 minute video of a right wing grifter doing a reaction video of a 2 minute edited clip from the disclosure hearing interspersed with tons of edgy sarcasm which I didn't watch because I don't watch reaction videos and try to avoid videos that add boring padding in order to exceed a certain minimum length for youtube monitization.

I can think of two good responses to this. First, so what? Let's assume for a moment that it's true that aliens have "leftist" beliefs. So what? Are they not entitled to believe whatever they want? Let's take this a step further. If the aliens allegedly believed in right wing stuff like rugged individualism, eating meat, driving gas guzzling cars, TERFism, burning fossil fuels, hyper-capitalism, and bootstraps, would you believe that disclosure was real or would you come up with another excuse because you reject the possibility of extraterrestrial visitation a priori?

My second response is that the video of the right wing grifter posting a video complaining about UFO disclosure is a perfect self-demonstrating example of my original point.

I don't "know" whether the recent testimony was a psyop or not. I don't know if Klaus Schwab is using ET to create a one world government. I generally don't take people's words at face value when assessing truth claims, choosing to remain optimistic while hedging my bets and holding out for more evidence. I'm not saying this is proof aliens exist, all I'm saying is that the same tired, old objections don't hold any water.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Communism, Socialism, & Capitalism in the 21st Century

"In a recent issue of Imprimis—Hillsdale College’s digest of liberty—author Michael Rectenwald described the economic goal of the Great Reset as “‘capitalism with Chinese characteristics’—a two-tiered economy, with profitable monopolies and the state on top and socialism for the majority below."

"Draconian government lockdown measures destroyed businesses and eliminated competitors of corporate monopolists. These policies were a dream come true for corporate socialists."

Both of these quotes exist simultaneously within the same email.

Is it socialism for the poor or socialism for the corporate overlords? Doesn't that make it socialism for everyone?

"At the same time, too many young Americans have not been taught what socialism really means."

That's true. No one at Hillsdale, for instance, is learning what socialism is. They're learning socialism is "government does thing" or "capitalist monopolies buy influence in the government through lobbyists and use their money and influence to squash smaller competitors. They're certainly not learning that socialism is "the workers owning the means of production", better known as "what socialism actually is".

"Or the dismal history of its failures wherever it has been tried."

If socialism fails every time it's tried then why does the US have to spend trillions of dollars starting proxy wars all over the planet and embargoing other countries to kill socialism every time?

Now mention China (which is capitalist imperialism per Lenin's definition) or North Korea (which is an explicitly capitalist, hereditary absolute monarchy with an economy 100% geared toward making as much money for the Kim family as possible through legal and illegal means). Also Nazi Germany (which was a kleptocracy where high ranking Nazi officials did all they can to loot the countries they invaded and secure as much for themselves at the expense of fellow party members as possible).

That's why I say I'm not a socialist. Socialism doesn't mean anything. Everyone is a socialist, they're just socialist for different people. The right wants socialism for billionaires and the left wants socialism for the winners of the intersectional oppression olympics. Me, I'm not a socialist, I'm a communist.

You have to be a realist, I think. 1. I'm not going to vote against my own best interests. I'm not going to vote to make some rich asshole richer at my expense. A rising tide does not raise all ships when 99.99% of ships are owned by poor people and are full of holes and are taking on more water than they can pump out. I'm not going to vote to make rich people richer, I'm going to vote to take money from rich people and give it to myself because fuck you, that's why. And 2. with increasing automation and outsourcing we're going to end up with a situation where half the jobs, or more, no longer exist (we're already living in a world where there are more people than jobs, and the existence of bullshit jobs is proof of that) and at that point you have two options, you can either let the majority of the population starve to death while the 20 billionaires who own half the planet's wealth get richer, or you can pay people for existing because there are no jobs. That's it. Automation makes communism inevitable, so I might as well get in on the ground floor.

Let's not forget that while Hillsdale may not take "one penny of government money", Larry Arnn's other business took a $700,000 loan from the government that was later forgiven and he didn't complain and call it socialism and say that it rewarded irresponsible people. That's disgusting hypocrisy and I won't countenance that.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


There's this channel I unsubscribed to a long time ago called How the World Works or something, with this guy with a crew cut and glasses. He loves to shout "stop" when he's trying to refute an argument. And he apparently hates the environment, or something.

"STOP!!!!1 The Earth is 4000 miles deep, we will never run out of places to bury garbage!"

You do know that it is easier to send a spaceship to Pluto than it is to dig even 10 miles into the Earth?

"STOP!!!!!!!ELEVEN No resource will ever never never ever run out never ever! The Earth is 4000 miles deep, there is an infinite supply of everything we need in the exact form we need it, always!"

You didn't listen to what I just said about trying to dig into the Earth? And you do know that guano (bird shit) was the most valuable resource for about 100 years until it was all mined to nothing?

"STOP!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!!! The fucking Earth is four-fucking-thousand MILES DEEP!!!!!11 Future science can solve all problems. Check mate!"

What if it doesn't? What is "future science" anyway? It's that stuff you don't want to invest in because it's not two hundred year old science. I love oil. I'm sitting on oil, typing on oil, looking at pictures projected on oil, in a house lit by oil, and I eat food that exists only because of oil, but maybe we should be investing in things beside oil because it's stupid to rely on only one kind of power source, just in case something bad happens to it?

5 billion people are alive today because of artificial phosphate fertilizers and ground water irrigation. Those phosphates won't last forever, and neither will the ground water, just like the guano. Personally I suspect there's two or more centuries worth of oil that remain to be exploited, but phosphates and ground water are being depleted faster than they can be replenished, and I don't put much hope for future utopianisms. Old methods of agriculture can only supply food for about two billion people, not seven, and it takes millions of years for aquifers to fill with water and caves to fill with shit to be used to grow food for five billion real people who will die if they don't eat anything.

And instead of trying to drill a thousand mile deep hole to bury garbage, maybe we could try to make less of it? Who likes garbage? Okay, there are like three eclectic artists who make sculptures out of tires and shit, but nobody else likes it. Maybe we could make less of what nobody likes or wants or needs.

I don't understand it. Why must everyone who supports conservativism be for the destruction of the environment? I'm pretty sure Rust Lumbar or Glennard Beck wouldn't want someone dumping trash in their back yard, so why do they think it's okay to dump trash in a bear's back yard? Why would anyone be proud of driving a grossly inefficient gas-guzzler? That's literally money you're throwing away just to piss people off over how shitty a car you own. If your are spending lots of money just to piss people off that makes you an asshole.

Why The Internet Sucks

According to Blogger, which I haven't used since 2020, my test page, which just contained the word "test" to see if it works, was "unpublished" because it's spam.

An otherwise blank page with the word "test" to test whether a feature works or not, which was never intended for the public to see, is not spam. It can't be spam if no one but me ever sees it. I just wanted to see what the page layout looked like.

If it makes you feel any better go ahead and "unpublish" whatever you want, even pages that were set to private because they served no other function than stuff I never intended anyone to see.

And this is why the Internet sucks. It's sucked for a long time, at least since Google bought Youtube and monetized it. The Internet has been going downhill ever since then. Super anal robots with inflexible definitions of pointless rules, and mods trying to push their own corporate agendas, just ruin everything for the rest of us. And the only solution you ever hear is "Just build your own Internet, brah!" And every time someone does it gets gobbled up by corporations, or removed by their government proxies, and we're back to the same old crappy Internet we had only now it's worse because new changes have to be made to make everything less fun to punish people from ever trying to create their own Internet ever again. If anyone challenges the power structure then everyone must be punished.