Ken_Wilber Socrates Padmasambhava Jesus Ramanamaharshi Bodhidharma Richard_Rose

Monday, April 13, 2009

100 Greatest Battles Update

Here is the updated list of battles.

Agincourt--------------Hundred Years War

Antioch-----------------First Crusade

Cannae-----------------Second Punic War

Gaugamela------------Wars of Alexander the Great

Gettysburg-------------American Civil War

Iwo Jima----------------WWII - Pacific Theater

Jutland-------------------WWI - Atlantic Theater

Kalinga-------------------Kalinga War

Kursk---------------------WWII - Eastern Front

Leyte Gulf---------------WWII - Pacific Theater

Marathon----------------Greco-Persian Wars

Passchendaele--------WWI - Western Front

Persian Gate-----------Wars of Alexander the Great

Plataea-------------------Greco-Persian Wars

Salamis------------------Greco-Persian Wars

Zama----------------------Second Pumic War


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Atheists, Death, and the Meaning of Life

If, as I've heard said, "when you're dead, mate, you're dead," can your life have meaning? As I see it there are only two options: suicide or homicide. Enjoy!


Friday, April 3, 2009

The 100 Greatest Battles

The Past Is Not Inevitable...

Getting over my first illness in a long time got me thinking about how much I loved the Alexander's Siege of Tyre video. In fact I was inspired to make a 100 part series looking at the 100 greatest battles in history. I'll take you above the fog of war and give you a perspective on these battles the comanders could only dream of getting while they were in the thick of it.

I'm not sure if I'll get through all hundred battles.

I don't have anything approaching a complete list of all the battles I want to cover.

I doubt any of these videos will be under ten minutes in length.

All I really do know is that I sincerely hope you enjoy this new series.

Music from "Roxanne's Veil" by Vangelis and Vanessa Mae

Here is a tentative list of battles:

Battle --- Date --- War

Agincourt --- 25 October 1415 --- Hundred Years War

Kalinga --- 265/264 BC --- Kalinga War

Persian Gate --- January 330 BC --- Wars of Alexander the Great

Gaugamela --- 1 October 331 BC --- Wars of Alexander the Great

Iwo Jima --- 19 Feb - 26 Mar 1945 --- WWII - Pacific Theater

Gettysburg --- 1 -3 July 1863 --- American Civil War