Ken_Wilber Socrates Padmasambhava Jesus Ramanamaharshi Bodhidharma Richard_Rose

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Top 10 Stories of 2011

After some back of the envelope calculations based on the rough estimates Google or whoever provides for viewer numbers here are the top ten most viewed stories posted to The Urban Mystic in 2011. The staff's picks will go up tomorrow.

1. My Little Pony

With 2844 views 100 Things I Learned From My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is by far the most popular post on The Urban Mystic ever. Nothing else even comes close, even adding several different posts together. Exactly 25% of all page views in Urban Mystic history come from just this one post. Not bad for something cobbled together before sleep last May.

2. Sathya Sai Baba's Mahasamadhi

Sai Baba's health took a turn for the worst in April and like all fully realised souls he chose not to heal himself, instead opting to depart the world ten years early. 466 views for three posts detailing Baba's condition take the second slot in the list.

3. Integral Politics

The most popular intellectual piece maxes out with 304 views. Written in January and attracting readers quickly the foray into integral politics spawned a video sequel in October that has proven to be nowhere near as popular as the original.

4. The World Gone Mad

What started out as a fictional story about a contagious madness that spread around the world in December 2010 quickly turned to reality with the eruption of the Near East in what would become known everywhere else as the Arab Spring. The original World Gone Mad was extended by three sequels (Addendum A, Redux, and Addendum B, the 200th post and the most popular in the series). The destruction of all stability and the possible beginnings of the end of the world come in fourth place with 178 views.

5. Sadhu Haridas

This one is a real surprise. A one off piece on Sadhu Haridas in April, an Indian ascetic who was buried alive for 40 days comes in a close fifth with 121 views. This goes to show that even seemingly obscure topics can turn out quite popular.

6. Bi-Winning

Charlie Sheen never loses. The closest he has ever come to losing is absolute victory, and his Adonis DNA has given him 89 views without even trying.

7. Ken Wilber's Ethics and Morals

Two videos about Ken talking on Ethics and Morality and how they relate to enlightenment together couldn't beat Charlie Sheen alone, but the herculean genius still managed to get 79 views and seventh place.

8. Alan Watts' God Complex

An hour long talk by Alan Watts on psychology, psychiatry, western thought, mysticism, and knowing you are God just barely lost out to Ken's two videos with 77 views.

9. Forbidden Videos

The name must have done it for this one. Though not forbidden and only a single video this trend from 2010 refuses to end. Bob Couttie's assault on Uri Geller prompted more posts than just about any single topic. Though only a promise to read a book this video was surprisingly popular, and with 65 views it is enough to get to ninth place on the list. By the way, the free PDF "Forbidden Knowledge: A Dissertation on Debunking, Parapsychology, and the Psychology of the Paranormal" is available and will eventually be turned into a video series, time permitting.

10. The Pussification of America

We are the 1%! That's right, America is the 1% of wealthiest people in human history, regardless of what the occupy pussies have to say. The most recent post to make it to the list, this one has gotten 59 views since October and shows no sign of slowing down.

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